


The basic principles upon which the concept of operation was developed

included dividing the real estate in the best manner possible to reduce
mutual interactions between the programs of individual agencies. The
assignment of testing areas by agency was also based on the assumption

that no yield greater than 5 megatons should be fired at Eniwetok.

3. Weather and Geography
Taongi Atoll is located approximately at latitude 168°, 50°E, and longitude
1k°, 40°N, 285 miles northeast of Bikini Atoll and gah"miles south-southeast

of Wake Islend. The surface winds at Taongi are slightly more northerly,
five to six degrees, and their average velocity is higher in that there are

fewer days during the year (as compared to Bikini or Eniwetok) when the sur-

face winds drop below five knots.

The atoll is a lunar shaped crescent approximtely ten miles long and four

miles wide at its mximum width.

A chord joining the tips of the crescent

lies along a NNW-SSE direction and approximtely norml to the wind, The
lagoon is totallylandlocked except for a very narrow channel in the leeward


Narrow, long sand islands lie along the southeastern side of the atoll,

running in the approximate direction of northeast to southwest.

masses span a distance of some eight miles.

These land


Because of the unique position of Taongi, situated northwest of Bikini, the
useable firing sector from the fallout standpoint is much greater than at
either Bikini or Eniwetok.

This is only true if one accepts as a concept of

operation at Taongi the basic principle of treating the Taongi islands as
inaccessible due to fallout radiation levels after the first large shot,

which would be the proposed plan of operation.


Cost of Developing Taongi Atoll
Another of the important factors bearing on the feasibility of the use of
Taongi is the dollar cost for initial ertry and establishment of whatever
beachhead and minimal facilities are necessary to fire large yield shots in
the area,

Logistics and Support ~
The magnitude of logistics support cost added to the costs of Item 5 above
must be evaluated against those real savings of operational time which
accrue through employment of triple atoll operations versus dual atoll

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fest Consideration


Of the devices in Category A in the’tabie under tea1 above, one 10 a Tye
(Nhich UCRL would like to test to full yield.

This yield is 25

wr and, ie approved for test, will present very mJor problems when included

in the program.



Select target paragraph3