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A review of the sbove information results in our desi re to state the following
conclusions :

Ih the concept of the operation as visualized without the use of Taongi it
beeomes immediately obvicws that Operation Hardtack would be difficult, if

not impossible, to secamplish in « period of time less than 12 weks.

2. With Teongi in use as a tect site, Schedule II is feasible, and far more
assurance of being able to maintain the schedule is inherently asseciated
Que to less average delay risk from both weather and shot intersection.
3. Sebedule I, without Teonei, is feasible but with less assurance es just

4, Schedule IZ will guarentce completion ef the DOD high altitude program en
schedule and in safe areas, while Schedule I will not.


Schedule IZ represents a saving af 7 weeks over Schedule I.

6. Belteving Schedule I to be typical timewlse of whet ean be accomplished in

firing the shots, nov plemed for Enivetek, leads to the conclusion that
the overall cperation ean be shortened by about one-half of the ccove saving
er 3 to h weeks if firing of some Bniwetek shote is continued at Bikini
after eomletion of Schedule II.


After review of the major requirements, and since no plens exist for the

re-establishuent of the Foz/Cearge eamp or the maintenance of the semi-

yermanent camp ashore at Tacngi during the operational phase, leads to ths
eonelusion that the total Herdteck legistic supgert required with Taongi
is no greater than Redwing with the exception of the diagnestics ship
end Teongi weather ships participatics.


It és eoeluded thet the ecst of any additional suppert plus the develop-

mental ecst of Taongl is fairly estimated at $5,000,000 for Harditack.

The use of a dlemestices ship not only constitutes the most inpertent
fagter in making a Taonegl. firing site feasible but will provide a more
economical means of aceamlishing the diagnesties experiments in the future.

10. he Laboratory will greatly benefit in personuel efficiency by the shorter
stay of personnel cverseans an provided by Schedule IT.

Zf the proposal is approved, we would make the follewing recomendations:

Ferform the conplete ecsancgrayghiec survey as scon as possible incorporating
yepresentatives from egencies concerned in order to take the mst aivantage

of the support remiired to plece and maintein people ashore for this task.
Ageneies who might participate are Task Group 7.53 U.S. Kavy UD? No. 13

KEC, and Task Graw 7.1.

Select target paragraph3