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It is thought that a chip of the hospitel er smell transport type

fulfills ths requirements.


In addition to emall laboratory ané shsp space, a total area of

elear deck space of some 10,000 square feet is required.


space can be several email ereas in which stabilized radar or
optically tracked armament mounts: would be installed to support
fireball camsras, mirrer system, fast cameras, and other diag-


nostic equipment.


Yhis ship should be equipped with cemmmications edeqmte to provide
voiee and teletype links to Eniwetok and Bikini? carrying secret
restricted data classifications. During the operational phase the

the ship would serve as the commmications center for TG 7.2 and

7 7.5 and no coummications would be instalied ashore other than

| the tenperary construction net mentioned previously. All commmieations ship te shore or ship to barge would be by radio.


It is estimated that the cost cf reestablishing sea worthiness upon
removal from reserve fleet storege would be $100,000 toa $200,000
depending on the present condition of the ship chesen.

fhe cost of reconfiguration end installation ef stabilized platforns,

shops, and communications would be in the range of $750,000 to

In and et costs for storage between epsretions are estimated at
If approval to this proyosal is gives, a Gecision to utilize a ship auch as the

Curtiss or Estee far this purpose may be the correct one end certainly these

ships would be aiequete. Too sme esate es shown ebeve would apply, bovever,
aince sous work would be necessary in providing quarters, and even though these
ships ere now in commission. Tus, the tetal cost fer providing a diagnostic

shiz, exclusive of eporeting costs, is estimated at $1,000,000 to $1,259,000.

Another factor to be eensidered fn o support discussion concerns the cleud
sempling cepability. Tnfermal discussions indicate thet the maintenance of
éueal firing expedility betsesn any tvo of the three atelis can be aceonplished
with the presently requested muber of sempling aircraft. Tt is believed that

Schedule IT sbove does not eenflict with this statemsnt. If, hovever, i¢ was
deemed aftviseble to provide triple firing capability, in even a two day period,
edditional senpling aircraft vould be required. Ih any case, the primary

method ef saupling at Daongi will be by aircraft, not rockets, and the

Plans bave included a veview of the feasibility of sampling with the B-57's

Tequested now.

Select target paragraph3