

At the outset, it must be stated that the optimm plan for Taongi operations is
one in which an absolute minimm of construction is required. The basie UCRL
viewpoint ie that such a5 operation is totelly sea and airborne. Taongi itself
should be looked upon for Hardtack as only an area of quiet water in which to

moog shot barges.

It ie pertinent to any discussion of developmental cost, therefare, to state the

tasks which need be performed prior to the first shot.


These are:

Lagoon Access
Holmes and Narver, Inc., heve cons

in their cost estimates a channel

300 feet wide and a clear depth of
would be approximately 500 fest 1

feet et mean low water. ‘This chenne)
and would be blested through the leevard

reef at the extreme south end of the atoll near South Island.

$686,000 item shown above.

This is the

Conversations with the Commander, Underwater Demolition Usit No. 1, U. S.
Navy, San Diego, have disclosed that e recent operation by this branch of

the navy has opened a channel through the reef at Ebye Island, Kvajalein

Atoll, whose dimensions are 100 feet wide, 1200 foet long, and 8 feet deep
at mean low vater.

This task was eccanplished with 70 toms of condemmed

U. S. Navy bulk explosive by 12 personmel in 14 days.

At Taongi, the UDI No. 1 hes estimated that the present Pokaakku passage —
could be opened into a channel 210 feet wide, 300 feet long, and 30 feet
deep with 70 tonsa of bulk explosive.

21 personnel working during only the

daylight slack high water periods (= 2 hours) could accomplish this task
in 30 days.

It ie assumed that condemned bulk explosive could be made

available and utilized here aleo.

The current at low tide through the

present Pokaakku passeze into the ocean is about 8 knots and is adequate
to remove blasted debris with a self-cleaning action.

Should an attempt

be made to blast through the reef in a location other than Pokeakku

passage, mo self-cleaning action from a current would exiat until the

channel is opened over practically its full length and into the lagocn.

The cost of plastic bulk explosive to UCRL at Livermore ie $1.65 per pound.
If Gbsolete condemned explosive were not available for uze in uwadervater

demolition of the coral in the passage, an expenditure of $231,000.00 for
explosive would be required. Using this figure to compare the cost per
cublie yard in the above three cases gives:

Ebye Channel

Widening Pokaakku Passage

South Island Channel

$6.50 per cu. yd.

$3.30 per cu. yd.

$620 per cus yde

It is felt that the above comparison is feirly dravun, even though no over-

head cost factors vere included in the first two figures above, and since
omly militery persoumel are involvad thase costs would not be AC funded.
The figures then, represent the eouperative cest per eubie yard if the
explesive had to be purchesed with ABC funds.

Select target paragraph3