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Rongelap and Bikini A*olls

the wi85 content on Scaevola leaves at Rongelap Atoll
on August 8,

1958, was higher than

that in the same species

at Nan Island (Bikini), Keith, Henry, and Leroy Islands
(Eniwetok), and Ujelang Atoll (Table 3).

‘These levels

suggest that Rongelap Atoll received a greater amount of fallout than did the above islands with the exception of Leroy
Island:at Eniwetok Atoll.

The latter island was contaminated

heavily with fallout not containing wi85 as evidenced by the

comparative levels of cel41+144_ ppl 414144 (420,000 d/m/g),

Ry203+106_pp103+106 (440,000 d/m/g) and zr95-Nb95 (1,100,000
d/m/g) (Table 2) to those at Keith and Henry Islands.
wi55 accounted for 89 per cent of the total radioactivity
on Scaevola leaves collected at Rongelap on August 8,



(Table 3, Fig. 8) and 90 per cent on leaves of the same species
collected at Nan Island (Bikini) on August 28.

Thus, the con-

tamination on the plant leaves at both Bikini and Rongelap

Atolls may be assumed to be due to recent fallout.
from Nan Island,


In topsoil

wi85 accounted for only 33 per cent of the

the isotope was not detected in soil from Rongelap

(Table 3).

The ratios of wi85 in the soil samples from Nan

Island and Rongelap Atoll indicate that a significant part
of the contamination was due to earlier fallout.

Select target paragraph3