James L,


- 2.

The new director of MPML should have the combination of qualities
of being technically competent in transuranic research, be in
sympathy with the encourage research applied Marshallese problems
and still be able to function with the flury of DOD and DOT
activities over the next few years.
A candidate exists that could

provide these virtues plus a few more in Dr. F. G. Lowman (NRC).

He was there during the testing program in the fifties and sixties,
and he enjoys the tropics; his transuranic research proposal submitted
to BER is an applied aspect of cycling mechanisms; he's a natural
administrator, plus he is available at this time.
This leads to the original intent of the meeting, that of defining
the most efficient structure within which the new director should
Operate to be most effective.
The recommendation by this group was

to have F,G,L, function as an ERDA employee (AES) based in Honolulu

in the NVO-PASO office.
This would maximize his coordination function by releasing Roger Ray's charge to do same, as well as allow
him to participate in the management function which would still be
maintained at Headquarters.
It is this latter function that perhaps

doomed Roger Ray's coordination efforts to failure.

A follow-up meeting is called for, if you concur, that airs the
long range structure and responsibilities of ERDA's involvement in
the Pacific and how MPM can help achieve these ends.
Roger Ray and Dr. Lowman will be in attendance.





ylien 0Guat

William 0, Forster, Leader
Marine Sciences Program
Environmental Programs
Division of Biomedical and
Environmental Research



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