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WASHINGTON, 0.C. 20545

James L, Liverman, Director
Division of Biomedical and
Environmental Research

The purpose of the meeting was to formulate a response to
H. P. McKaughan at the University of Hawaii of October 26,
1976, that requested you to “consider their previous involvement and wish to submit proposals for continued University of
Hawaii participation in the administration of MPML as well as
research there.'' The participants were Weyzen, Swinebroad and

myself from BER and Maher and Campbell from DTO.


McGraw (SSC) was involved in Chinese fallout (II) and did not

The consensus of the group was that many of our efforts at
Enewetak, plus the Marshalls and the Pacific, were fragmented
and uncoordinated in spite of the heroic efforts by Roger Ray
over the past two years to accomplish this.
Therefore, we felt
the broader question of future ERDA direction and responsibilities
in this area should be addressed rather than the immediate detail

of MPML sponsorship.


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Discussions revealed that MPML can play a lead role for ERDA in the
following areas over the next decade:
1) provide an understanding
of transuranic cycling mechanisms from a contaminated atoll into
marine food chains leading to man; 2) provide an educational and

training ground for marine scientists for short term projects--this

has been the major function of this laboratory up to 1974; 3) address
specific radiological health and safety questions raised during DNA's
clean up activities as well as follow-up during DOI's rehabilitation

of this atoll, some of us in ERDA that still believe that DOD's Corps

of Engineer approach of placing the 850,000 cubic yards of radioactive
debris from Engeby and Runit in Cactus and La Cross crater will not
be a permanent solution to the waste disposal problem headache and
will be ERDA's for many decades; 4) encourage reputable scientists to
attack specific problems associated with the returning Marshalls, e.g.
studies of fish diseases such as ciguatera, studies of the water-lens
dynamics in the islands and environmental sources for plutonium that
was found in pooled urine samples,

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