



ye Fase

QO7 78



PERO 1973

Memorandum for the Record

This subject has been discussed at considerable length at the working
level and also between General Camm and Dr. Biles.
Dr. Leachman of
DNAprepared certain proposals which were forwarded by the Director,
DNA and which have received extensive review within DMA, DOS, and


The general thesis advanced by DNA has been to use earlier

precedents such as Bikini, Palomares, and Thule.

This approach has


not: been determined to be entirely acceptable within the AEC Headquarters
Staff because these precedents may not be fully applicable. The alternative
suggested to DNA has been that for their preliminary planning purposes,

they should use a range of criteria as the basis for preparation 9f the

Environmental Impact Statement and for estimation of funding requirements

for the cleanup cperation.

In reference to the specific proposals advanced by Dr. Leachman the

general consensus within the AEC has been that while they may be in the

ball park, there does not appear to be any basis for more relaxed standards
and, in fact, standards may need to be more severe.

Thus, the range of

values alluded to above appears most appropriate until we can refine ovr
position after completion of the evaluation of the results of the currentiy
on-going radiological survey.
There has also been, within the AEC, some difference in opinion as to the
appropriate administrative method to be used to establish cleanup criteria.

One school of thought advanced primarily by DBER personnel has been that
a group convened by, but external to, the AEC should be retained as
consultants to the Commission to review the radiological situation based
on evaluated survey data and from this make recommendations concerning
rehabitation of the atoll.

Based on these recommendations, DOS would

then establish the criteria for cleanup. However, at a meeting between
General Camm and Dr. Biles on January 16, 1973, it became apparent that
Dr. Biles strongly confirmed the position stated in his memorandum to
General Camm dated September 15, 1972 that DOS would provide the radiological
cleanup criteria and guidelines and would solicit appropriate outside

assistance only as necessary.

It was agreed that normal staffing with

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