Research Activities

Effects of X rays on frog retina.

The University of California

Radiation Laboratory has completed a study on the effect of X rays on animal


Particularly the visual response to small doses of X rays was ex-

Measurements on the bullfrog were made to determine the threshold

intensity needed to-elicit a light stimulus and the adaptation and recovery

after small doses of X rays.

It was found that electrical response could

be measured on the retina after 0.6 roentgens, that during exposure to
X rays the sensitivity to light was reduced, and that recovery of the retThis
ina after an X ray stimulus was slower than after a light stimulus.
recovery phenomenon indicates that the effect is to a large extent revers“ible and that the phenomenon is one of the smallest reversible responses
which has been observed with penetrating radiations.
Biological synthesis of fatty acids. Research at the University
of California at Los Angeles includes a project on the mechanism of metabolism in animals with respect to fatty acids in the body. It has been

demonstrated for the first time that an "essential" fatty acid can be syn-

thesized in the animal body.

This “essential" acid--arachidonic--contains

20 carbon atoms.
Synthesis was accomplished from carboxyl labeled acetate
and a compound containing 18 carbon atoms. Further studies will be undertaken to elucidate the physiological significance of this reaction.
Biological effects of radiation. At Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, experiments have been undertaken to determine the biological effects
of total-body KX radiation in mice.
Pretreatment of mice with p-aminopropiophenone (an agent producing a pronounced hypoxia) or gluthathione,
exerted a marked protective effect against total-body X radiation. A negligible degree of protection was found when mice so pretreated were exposed
to thermal column radiation (thermal neutrons plus gamma contaminant).
It is tentatively suggested that the lack of effect of these
agents against thermal column exposure results from the fact that the majority of the ifonizations are produced along a short track and that under
these conditions certain products produced by the ionization of water can
be formed independently of molecular oxygen.
On the basis of the data reported it.appears that agents which
are protective against one type of ionizing radiation may not be of value
against all types and that tissue oxygen tension may play a role in producing the marked differences observed in the relative effectiveness of

neutrons and X rays in various tissues.

Radiation effects on mortality.

The effects of whole body ir-

yadiation of male rats on mortality among their offspring is being studied
by the AEC-University of Tennessee research group. Male rats were exposed
to 300 roentgens of gamma rays from a cobalt 60 source, or to X rays at 250

Kilovolts peak voltage.

The irradiated males were subsequently mated to




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