June 22, 1979Ye

Page Three”

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“Fost:ald ‘trust
rt fe

scientists. pe,




oeexpressed:these’:views ‘on behalf of the ‘fecpte of
Bikini Last month in: remarke to the UnitedNations Trortaeship
Council (see Attachment at pages 10-11}, and I requested that

an anternational committee: of: scientists, “baving no comnection


with or interest in ‘theUS. government or:the U.S. nuclear
testing srogran, independently ireview and assess the results
and conclusions of: ths northern Marshall Islands radiological
survey, specifically ias they:apply, tothe safety of Bikini
and Exeu Ielandsin:Bikini: aAtol). ‘Last week) I made tha seme
request to the U.S. :qovernmert,” ‘snggesting thet the United
States fund an independent assessment, of the survey by @ coa-

mittee ofinternational scientistsor:‘perhaps fund several
inéepemfent assessments:by{ndividual, non-United States


“Given theimportance of this suivey to the futare
af the Bikinians, .the past mistakes. of U.S,iecientists in
uncertaintiesconcermingthe :long-term effeet of low levala


parties to seek independent | icaof the survey.

| fohy Pattee este 6 Se 1h op Bnet aie ne RScholestie Bak . fs a

moasuring and/or: assessing. the safety: of ‘Bikini, and the



of radiation, 1 believe that it is inithe interests of all
. Al-~

thongh I. have‘not: yet: xecelved a formal reply from the United.

ntates government; I. am hopefulthat
to the Bikinians?xequest. a

t wilt‘respond favorably

“in: ‘the ‘event. that the 3United states does agree te

fund an“Sndependent. review of the northern:Marshall lelands

radiological survey, wonld yOu be interested in participating

in this review? Some ‘ot the broad questidnsthe Bixinlans
seek toDave answeredare!ithe.following: |
ee Was the proper.-ethodoboay uged in the -

northern Marshalls survey? .—oe

“pia the. survey’“employ the best available
tochnologica) technigues“and equipment? an

aes Are the datacollected from ‘the survey eoourate
and relisble?. a

w=. Are“the conclusions, predictions and riek

nsnensmante concerning: the future safety of Bikini and Era
inlaxdis vakid? An analysis of this issue would, of couxea,

noceggitate a review of both: the:Burvey and:Rand Apxril,:(2978
medical examinationsyo:se


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