S appear to remain in the surface
inal site of contamination over an
and vertical turbulence tend to

» obscuring effects of these factors
i masses.
terials introduced into the sea was
wetok Atoll. Measurements were
an one hour after the detonation,

> depths to 300 m were taken over

radioactive material in the water

particulate fraction greater than
is than 0.45 u. The distribution of
times is shown in Fig. |. During
dioactivity was in the top 25 m.
hat through the upper edge of the
me-eighth that at the surface. At




tenn 28 HOURS
seseeeaes 4&8 HOURS


28 hours the radioactivity was distributed throughout the upper half of the
mixed layer, and dropped in value rapidly between the depths of 50 m and
the upper edge of the thermocline at 100 m. At 48 hours the major part of the
total radioactivity was concentrated at the upper edge of the thermocline
(100 m); the activity fell to a low value at approximately 150m and then
rose gradually to a level approximately one-half that at 100m. Thus the
radioactivity was distributed throughout the mixed layer between 28 and
48 hours. Probably at no time, however, was it evenly distributed throughout
the mixed layer.
The distribution of activity with depth for the particulate fraction and the
soluble-colloidal fraction at the three times following contamination is shown
in Fig. 2. During the first 6 hours approximately one-fourth of the radioactivity was in the particulate fraction and was located in the top 25 m.
The radioactivity associated with particles at this time was highest in the
top 15m of water, and a lower level of activity (approximately one-third
of the radioactivity at the surface) was at approximately 50 m depth.
At 28 hours only one-eighth of the total radioactivity was associated with the
particulate fraction, and the major part of the total activity was located in
the top 60m of water. The two peaks of activity noted in the particulate
fraction at 6 hours had migrated downward a distance of approximately 50 m
each during the 22-hour period, and the deeper peak of activity coincided with
the lower edge of the mixed layer. At 48 hours a major part of the radioactivity in both fractions was concentrated at a depth of 100 m (at the upper
edge of the thermocline). At 300 m the radioactivity in both the particulate
and the soluble-colloidal fractions rose to a value of about one-half that at
100 m. At 48 hours the particulate activity accounted for approximately twofifths of the total.
During the period 6—28 hours following detonation, the activity associated with
particulate matter dropped from one-fourth to one-eighth of thatin the soluble$0

50 m

40 fF



---- 28



see tea




% oF









-colloidal activity with depth at 6,

2rwater detonation



Fig. 3
Percentage of radioactivity in sea-water in the particulate form at different depths with
increasing time


a7 oR

pote ae

Select target paragraph3