wrocesses operate in the uptake
ant: (1) a direct transfer of ionic
hydrosphere to the organism,
neluding adsorbed surface ions.
es of the specificity of metal ions
re and properties. Manyof these
of the specificity of metal ions
e.g. (1) mass, (2) ionic charge,

ential, (5) the configuration and
in solution, and (6) the configurof the metallic ion with substanbottom clays and muds).
closely related, since they are
periodical table; thus they differ
i-reduction potential or mobility,

forming coordination complexes
iay form either ionic or covalent
+ form aquocations of the type
all may form coordination comthe other transition metal ions
spect than Mg, since the unfilled
alent as well as essentially ionic
bonding) of general importance
md, which results from electrorarged metal ion and a dipolar
ranging from the simple aquonetal ions to form such complexes
spt for the ions of the transition
s out of proportion to their ionic
as Cst, Rb+ and K+ show the
xxes. Those of somewhat higher
show intermediate activity.
ve in forming coordination commtially covalent linkages between
; well as ionic complexes. This
of the first transition series have
- molecules to fill out their 3-d
valent linkages in which a pair
the group bound. Thetransition
dwever, many coordination comthe bond must be regarded as a

types (16).

lements with any given biological

upon the chemical composition

irs in the following order:
<Cutt+ >Zntt.

lation of the trace metal ions,

nique when compared with other

transport mechanisms. The transition elements were taken up by cells from
a solution of very low concentration of the metals without apparent expenditure
of energy by the cells, and was thus a non-metabolic process. Neither did the
process obey the laws of diffusion normally observed for other elements,
in that they did not respond to concentration gradients. Saltman concluded
that for the transition elements no diffusion barrier was presented by the
cell membrane, but that the rate of uptake was limited by the rate at which
the ions found binding sites inside the cell. This process would exert only
a minor effect on the external surfaces of planktonic organisms, but would
be of major importance where cell surfaces were exposed.
Korrinea (18) noted that oysters and other lamellibranchs concentrated
considerable quantities of the metals Al, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb, especially

during periods of active feeding, although they occurred in very small concentrations in the environment. Korringa stated that the electrical properties
of the food particles and the mucus feeding sheets in the oyster determine
whether or not particles are rapidly caught. The positive polyvalent ions
such as Alt+*++, Cut+, Fe++, Zn++, Hg++ and Mn++ were observed to be caught

and accumulated by the oyster, but not positive monovalent ions such as
Na+ and K+, though present in greater amounts.
The ability of plankton organisms to form complexes with heavy metal
anions and the transition elements is illustrated by observations on the
uptake of radiocelements by these organisms in areas of radioactive fallout.
The levels of different radioisotopes in plankton change with time after
introduction of contamination. The change in ratio depends upon at least
two main factors—the physical decay of the radioisotopes in question, and
the velocity at which concentration of the individual isotopes occurs within
the organisms. During the first 48 hours after detonation the principal isotope
present in the plankton was Np??? (69 °%, Table 1). Mo®®9—Tc®*™ and Te1#*—[)%
contributed approximately 10°, each of the total activity. [/52 was the only
iodine radioisotope found in measurable amount in marine plankton, and
-was present only as a consequence of being the daughter of Te!*?. Radioactive iodine would be in solution in sea-water and, unless taken up selectively,
would undergo dilution by stable chlorine, bromine and fluorine, as well
as isotope dilution by the stable iodine. Other isotopes present in plankton
within the first 48 hours after contamination at levels of 3°, or less included
U23", radioactive Ru-Rh, Ce-Pr, Ba-La, and Zr-Nb. Thus the radioisotopes

associated with the plankton during the first 48 hours consisted principally

of radioactive anions (96%). Later than one week after contamination

the ratio of the different isotopes in the plankton changed so that only 15%

of the total radioactivity was contributed by the anions—Zr°5—Nb*®, 6%;

radioactive Ru—Rh, 5%; Np?99, 2% and U?37, 27. At this time Co5’. 58, 60
contributed 43°, of the total radioactivity; Zn®> accounted for 3°, and
Fe*5+59 for 16%. Bat40—La}4° contributed the remaining 23%. In samples

collected six weeks after detonation in 1956, the major isotopes were Zn*®
(25%), Fe®> (24%), and Co%. 8, 60 (24°). Most of the remaining activity
was contributed by Zr°®°—Nb®> (20%), Cet#4—Pri44 (5%), and Rul$—Rh1
(1.4%); Mn*4 was present only in trace amounts.
Therefore the initial uptake of radioisotopes by plankton included, for
the most part, short-lived radioactive anions. However, within a short time
the radioactive transition elements cobalt, zinc, iron and manganese were
accumulated and retained by plankton, so that at an interval greater than

Select target paragraph3