Isotopes of a given element behave similarly in their uptake and metabolism by organisms, except the isotopes of hydrogen and possibly some
of the other light elements. Thus one may assume that a radioactive isotope
of a given element will follow the stable isotopes of the same element through
the food web.
Because different isotopes of the same element generally behave identically,
the degree at which a given radioisotope is taken up and retained by an
organism depends to a large part on the amount of the stable counterpart
of the same element present in the environment. The inhibition of uptake
of a radioisotope by a stable isotope of the same element is known as isotope
dilution, and is important in regard to health hazards from radioelements
introduced into the sea. Moreover, elements closely related to each other
in their ionic properties will tend to behave similarly and thus simulate isotope
dilution. In this way the presence of stable calcium tends to reduce the uptake
of radioactive strontium by organisms, and naturally-occurring potassium
would be expected to have a similar effect on the uptake of radioactive caesium.
Naturally-occurring potassium, which is similar chemically to caesium, is
present in sea-water at the relatively high level of about 380 ppm. In comparison with potassium, Cs!*?7 would be present in extremely small amounts
by weight even in an area of heavy fallout. Because animals exhibit a limited
ability to differentiate between the two elements, the uptake of caesium
would be low in the presence of an abundance of potassium.
Natural calcium occurs in the sea at a level of about 440 ppm, and is very
similar to strontium with regard to uptake by marine organisms. In the
case of strontium and calcium, however, the uptake of Sr® is not directly
proportional to its occurrence in the water. Sr® is discriminated against
with reference to and in the presence of calcium by factors of about 3
in calcareous algae and foraminiferans, 2 in arthropods, 2—7 in molluscs.

2.5 in bryozoans (11), and 3—10 in marinefish (12). In addition to chemical
competition, isotope dilution by stable strontium would result in reduced
uptake of Sr® by marine organisms. Stable strontium is present in the sea
at a level of 6to 1,300 times that of the naturally-occurring forms of the other
major radicelements represented in fallout. As a consequence, the isotopic
dilution of radiostrontium would be at least 6 to 1,300 times that to which

the other radioelements would be subjected because of the presence of their
stable counterparts.
The apparent discrimination by marine organisms against the uptake of
radiostrontium may also be enhanced by a purely physical factor, including
scavenging and coprecipitation. Granules of calcite resulting from pulverized
islands effectively scavenge radioactive strontium as they sink through the
sea into the deeper waters (36). Surro, Takryama and Uyerpa (13) reported
that the ashes from the 1 March 1954 detonation which fell on the No. 4
Fukuryu Maru consisted of white granules of calcite approximately 100-400 u
in diameter. Identification of the chemical form was madeby electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques.
Jt is usually assumed that particles sink in the sea according to Stoke’s
Law, in which the assumption is made that the particles are smooth andrigid,
are of given diameter and density, and do not interact with each other as
they sink through the water. Calculations by Miyoshi indicate that particles
of calcite 400 » in diameter would sink from the surface to 260 m in 26 minutes,

and particles 100 u in diameter in 7 hours. Calcium from the pulverized islands

. yy tteke



Select target paragraph3