
INC... UPTON, L.L. NY. 11973


Teverdons: (516) 3453577

July 23, 1976

Dr. James L. Liverman

Assistant Administrator for Environment and Safety
nergy Research and Development Administration

Washington, D. C. 20545
Dear Jim,

As you know, by copy of Ed Hardy's letter to me of 7-6-76, the
plutonium analyses on the urine samples of people living
on Bikini obtained last April again showed about the same levels as

previously reported in his letter of March 26, 1976.


also was the finding of similar low levels of plutonium in the urines

of residents of Rongelap Atoll. One wonders if perhaps people living
in other areas of the Mershalls, not directly invelved in the fallout,

might also show increased levels because of proximity to the proving
grounds. We intend to check this.
In the meantime we are collecting

larger urine samples from individuals on Bikini and also pooled samples

from Bikini as well as Pongelap, Utirik and Wotje from the letter atolls
on the September survey. Analyses of other samples of dust, water, foods
ete. obtained in April on Bikini are still in progress here,

Yesterday I received a call from John de Young, Office of the Territories, Dept. of Interior, saying that he had received word from their

solicitor who had been in Majuro (Marshall Islands) stating that he

heard reports there that plutonium had been detected in the urines of

the Bikini people.
I am not sure where they got the information,
I suspect. that George Aller, the lawyer for the Bikini people, will be happy

to use the information, to embarrass us.

[I admitted to John that the

report was true but pointed out that people all over the worid have some
plutonium in their urines including people in New York and that we had
not been alarmed since tne levels were low but that we were carrying out

continuing investigation of this finding.

Now that we have confirmatory

evidence of this findings I would recommend that you write a letter to the
Department of Interior with regard to the matter.


As suggested in my letter of May 27,71976, you may wish to consider
organizing a meeting with experts in the field to advise us with regard
to this problem.




SEG Se ae


V. Bond
FE. P. Cronkite .-tae.t on OPFRATOR (516) 345-2123

RAC: im
ce: Dr.

Robert A.

Select target paragraph3