Because we do continually receive inquiries on this point, will you

please let me have an outline as to how you propose to proceed with

each of the several items included within the $1.7 million budget

request. The $700,000 cleanup items are for reimbursement to DASA,
but a time schedule for the remaining items would be most helpful.

Perhaps such a schedule could best be expressed on the basis of the

number of weeks (or months, if more appropriate) from the date funds

become available. The exception would be the coconut replanting item
where we have already authorized you to begin.


There are three major sensitive factors to be kept in mind, The first
is to involve Bikinians in the planning for the reconstruction and re-

planting work. Second is the commitment to -usé Bikinians to the maximum
possible extent in the rehabilitation work. Third is the commitment to

create a "model" Pacific Island community. I know that the Bikinians
rejected the "slant-leg" house model originally proposed, but have they

agreed upon an alternative? Have they also been consulted and agreed to
the location and design of the village facilities which are to be provided?

If so, are there any sketches or photographs of models which can be provided

us? An additional factor is the AEC Ad Hoc Committee’report which contains
a number of specific recommendations forthe resettlement which were made.
to reduce the small radiation hazard. These recommendations should be

closely followed.


Somewhat related to the consultation question, is the status of the atoll
and the need by the Defense Department for one or two small sites for un; manned facilities, The original agreement from the Defense Department
that the atoll could be returned to the Bikinians also included the
requirement for one or two such sites. Defense sent a representative on
the August 1969 visit to Bikini to make observations, if not actual determinations, with respect to this requirement. I mention it now because
you should be specifically aware of the requirement and the Bikinians should
also be aware of it. In the meantime, we have informally asked Defense to
come to a final decision on the question. as to number, location and acreage.
We have urged that the sites be on islands where resettlement will not take
place for some time to come.
Bikini is still under Defense. Department jurisdiction. This is partially
the rationale for the use of unbudgeted Defense and AEC funds to begin
the cleanup in fiscal 1969. However, with the cleanup operation approaching
completion, Defense is preparing formally to return the atoll, except for
the sites in question, to the Trust Territory. We shall keep you informed
on the progress of this action.


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