yee he

erratic respors 2

mer ene

aa Oe cre ote at 6

1 tens ot eee

he 88TEEa? met
ea or
TONESame“fetymin-aiscraft, Most monitors
because of diffe: ences in ope railing 7: Yraciere
preferred the \,/2DR-T1B ion chamber, and
istics of V2Ci and Vide, Fics. the ve Fahive
consequer'» riya portion of the stock of 247
pulse from V201 was not of sufficient amplitude
instrumenis were used Service included reto trigger V101 consistently or the negative
placement of 19 cnambers, 21 sets of batteries,
pulse from V104 was greater than that from
5 meters, 5 battery switches, 5 tubes, and 8
V201 by a factor of from 5:1 to 30:1. Improved
sets of minor parts and repair of 6 meter conoperation was obtained by carefully matching
nection plugs.
V201 and V104 tubes. It was also observed that
The AN/PDR-T1B instruments were late in
the capacity of cables W201 and W101 were
arrival but were placed in service immediately
causing losses of pulse height up to 80 per cent.
after checking and calibration. All units reThis loss was considerably reduced by substiquired adjustment of calibration control as well
tuting RG-78/v coaxial cable. Also by adding
as grid current compensation potentiometers to
two 224-volt Minimax batteries in series with
correct for high readings. Attempts to set the
the supply to V201, operation was satisfactory
calibration control in the open resulted in
in most instances. Full scale continuous or
erratic readings, indicating a possibility that
intermittent readings on all ranges and ‘‘hash”
wind might build up a static charge on the chamin the headphones were rectified by inserting a
ber surface. The case of this instrumentis
5-megohm resistor in the positive 700-volt
well designed, and the instrumentis handy to
supply between the vibrator and the VR tube,
- wse and transport. These units were preferred
Although the VR tube exhibited good regulating
over all other types by most monitors. Some
characteristics, the trouble would appear when
difficulty was experienced in AN/PDR-TI1A
units with chambers apparently leaking when
the current exceeded 40 to 60 microamperes.
Instruments with this fault were repaired by
taken to high altitudes by plane. AN/PDR-T1B
adding the 5-megohm resistor as noted above.
models are equipped with reinforced chambers,
In the majority of instruments the meter rewhich seem to reduce this trouble. Athough the
AN/PDR-T1B is relatively watertight, considersponse was improved by increasing the time
constant. This was done in several units by
able trouble was experienced from moisture
inserting a 2,000-ohm resistor in the meter
inside the case when the instrument was excircuit in the “read” position.
posed to much rain. Usually drying corrected
this trouble. Evidence of their rugged con2.9.3 Ion Chamber Type Field Survey Instrustruction was shown when one instrument was


Instruments of the ion chamber type supplied

were as follows: 47 Victoreen 247A, 40 Victo-

reen 247E, 10 Victoreen 247H, and 60 AN/PDR-

run over by a truck. The handle and a rear portion
of the case were bent out of shape; the instrument
still continued to operate satisfactorily. The meter
movement in a numberof instruments was defective and required replacement or repair.
Three such movements had open coils. Attention should be given the switch since this proved

T1B. Construction and operation of all Victoreen
instruments is much the same. The 247A and
247H instruments were used during Operation
to be a source of trouble, resulting in erratic
Sandstone, and previous reports have covered
readings. Loose shaft bushings can also cause
their operation. In general, the caSes are bulky
with the center of gravity high, making them some- this erratic operation. Some of the batteries
used are not of a common type and maybe difwhat difficult to handle and transport. The zero
ficult to replace. If the instrument is handled
setting drifts over a considerable length of
roughly there is a tendency for the chamber to
time before becoming stable, and the battery
break loose from the supports. Several such
current drain is high. Nevertheless the instruments have beenfield tested and are
instances were noted.
considered to be quite reliable. A number of
2.9.4 Alpha and Neutron Proportional Counters
instruments were modified by drilling a small
Four Pee Wee proportional counters for
hole through the case and through the chamber.
alpha detection were supplied as well as two
This allowed their use at high altitudes, in airneutron detectors using modified Pee Weeinplanes, without danger of chamber collapse.
struments with boron lined tubes encased in
Calibration for pressure changes made them

Select target paragraph3