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Assuming that comparable fall-out occurred

over 100 sq mi of surface from alayer of air

1 mile deep (a 75-micron particle falls 1 mi/hr
according to Stokes’ law), a total of 10” large
particles carrying 10" yc in the original cloud
is required. (This estimate of the number of
particles is remarkably well supported by a
spot count on radioautographs of the wingfilters
from the manned drone flown after George shot.
These showed about 0.1 active particles/cu ft of
air in the fall-out region.)
Supposing that the activity of the large particles was acquired by adsorption of small active
particles, the loss of activity from the smallparticle category would have been OM 10” tc
out of a total OM 10% uc, a loss which would
hardly be noticeable,
The existence of 10" large particles in a
cloud of 10’* small particles would require the

counting of 10° small particles to obtain a 50-50
chance of observing one largeparticle.

2.6.10 Biomedical Investigation
Urine samples from 125 individuals present
during the Dog shot fall-out were analyzed in
the TU 3.1.5 laboratory. By means of spiked
samples, it was determined that the method

would reveal the presence of 1.5 x 1074 pe

of mixed fission products in a urine sample.

Three individuals were at first found to have
slight activity, but their subsequent samples
were negative. Four other individuals had about

2x 1074 uc, and similar results were obtained

from their following samples.

Animals were sent to Los Alamos for analysis of lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, and bone.
All tissues of all animals were found negative.
The animals comprised 12 mice, 3 cats, and
2 dogs from Japtan and 1 dog from Parry shipped
on D+2 day; 2 dogs from Eniwetok and 3 dogs
from Parry and 2 dogs and 1 cat from Japtan
shipped on E+2 day.


a. Very strong evidence was obtained that the
Dog shot radioactive fall-out on Japtan, Parry,
and Eniwetok islands, and on neighboring vessels, consisted of large particles, mostly 100
microns in diameter or larger.
b. Urinalysis of individuals and analysis of
tissues of animals present during the fall-out
support the conclusionthat po harm was done.-*




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c. The information obtasied trv. chord sam-~
pling in the past provided no hic: of che possibility of such an event as the Dog shot fall-out
on inhabited islands of the Atoll. Unless further
analysis of the cloud sampling of Operation
Greenhouse provides much more information
of the kind needed, it will be clear that present
techniques are not adequate for this purpose.
In any event, the sampling aircraft cover only a
limited part of the range of altitudes from which
information is needed.
d. Some data were obtained that may be useful
in predicting the intensity of heavy-particle fallout in the future. Such predictions should be

made with a great deal of caution. It appears
that the quantity of airborne heavy radioactive
particles may depend critically on certain factors about whichlittle is yet known.
e. Of the various methods that were tried in
an effort to obtain further fall-out information
from Easy and George shots, the method of
conducting an early low altitude aerial survey
and sampling in the predicted fall-out area appears to be by far the most promising method

(higher altitude surveys were not tried).


a. Unless Greenhouse sampling provides
much more information than did former sampling about the radioactive heavy-particle content of clouds, more satisfactory equipment
and techniques should be developed. Special
attention should be given to the possibilities
of aerial surve, and sampling.
b. An effort should be made to learn more
about factors such as soil stabilization methods
and materials which may affect strongly the
quantity of radioactive fall-out.

Item Shot Fall-out

The following information was obtained subsequent to the preparation of the report on which
most of Sec. 2.6 is based. A cascade impactor
was operated near the radiological safety building
from I+11 hr till 1+13 hr. All the radioactive
material collected was isolated in seven particles,

each of which was about 100 microns in diameter.


... Careful exposure records were kept for all

personnel ofJTF-3 who-itwas expected might
gee kote eRMeMOF SH

Select target paragraph3