Eberline Instrument Company (EIC) Analyses began on 2 April 1973.

‘Two batches (102 samples) of

solls have been shipped to EIC for 239py and weSr analysis.
There have been problems with low chemical yields for Pu; analyses
have been repeated with some improvement in chemical yield. Preliminary
results will be reported to LLL by 14 May 1973.

University of Washington, Seattle (UW) Analysis of a set of 12 selected fish samples for #39p, Wom, and

Be is in progress at UW and MCL.

Data will be compared to assure

accurate calibration of tracers, etc.

Ashing has been completed on

many of the 188 fish samples to be handled at UW; Be analyses have
been performed on these samples.
some problems with chemical yield.

Analysis for plutonium has presented
These problems have been worked

out and they will proceed with the calibration samples.

A progress report will be issued every two weeks.

(ihanll 2 Hp
Deputy Division Leade
Radiochenistry Division

RWH :mb

Select target paragraph3