samples willbe analyzed for 7050

chemical methods.

137o6, and the transuranics by wet -

These are the principal dose contributing radionuclides

in the marine pathway at Enewetak and Bikini.
On inhabited islands, available freshwater supplies (cisterns of ground
water) will be sampled for radionuclide analysis.

Conductivity measure-

“ments will be made to assess the freshness of the water supply, and coliform

analysis will be performed in the field and health officials will be advised

if any water is found with high concentrations of bacteria.
Analytical processing | and analysis
All ‘terrestrial and marine samples will be processed at LLL for analysis.

Radionuclide concentrations will be assessed using appropriate methods of
detections which will include alpha, beta and gamma counting systems.


large fraction of the radioanalytical work will be conducted at LLL; but
because the large number of samples requiring analysis will overload the
LLL laboratories facilities, it will be necessary to send some samples to
off-site laboratories on DOE contract for analysis. A rigorous quality

control program will be integrated into the radionalytical effort.


quality control program will be managed by LLL and a sufficient number of
blanks, standards and duplicates, will be prepared and distributed to all
participating laboratories to assess and maintain the quality of the data
generated by the participants.
assess the levels of 90. Yr,

As a minimum, data will be generated to

13765, and the transuranics.

These radionuclides are

the principal dose contributing radionuclides expected in all food products
collected from the atolls.

Approximately 7000 soil, vegetation, and terrestrial organisms ana
1800 fish organs and tissues, marine invertebrates,


and water samples will be processed and analyzed for the above listed =
radionuclides during the program.

9 0 02 10 Z

The analytical program costs are based


Select target paragraph3