on these numbers of samples.
Data Bank
The data bank designed at LLL for organizing the Enewetak 1972-1973 data,

the 1975 Bikini Survey and all of the LLL followup terrestrial research
programs will be used for storage and retrieval of all data collected
during this program.

The data will be readily accessible by atoll, island, type

‘of sample, radionuclide, etc.

This will be the source of the information ‘to

prepare dose assessments.
Dose Assessment and Reporting

The dose assessment and reporting will be conducted at LLL and represents
the final product of the program.

The dose assessment will include the

evaluation of the following pathways:

External Gamma


Terrestrial Food Chain



Food products


Drinking water

Marine Food Chain

The results will be published in a series of reports issued in accordance
with the time period required for completion of the analysis of the samples
and interpretation of the resulting radiological data.

The reports are

expected to be completed and issued in the following approximate time
periods after the survey.


External Gamma Doses ~ 6 months.


Drinking Water Doses - 6 months.


Marine Food Chain Doses - 1.3 years.


Terrestrial Food Chain Doses - 1.8 years.


Dose Summary of all pathways - 2 years.

Although the ahove reports will include the assessment of all 13 atolls,
there may be interim reports on dose evaluations of specific atolls.




Select target paragraph3