After obtaining cost estimates for logistics support from the DOD and
the technical program from,ERDA, the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) determined that

reimbursement of DOD's

the survey would be conducted,

and funds for

logistics support were included in a DOI FY 78

DOE was directed to absorb the technical program costs.

Although the U.N.

Trust Territory Agreement with the U.S.

is expected

to end soon, it is clear that the U.S. will continue to have a vital
national interest in the northern Marshalls.

Resettlement of Bikini

Island has suffered a setback due to radiation exposures significantly
exceeding acceptable standards, and the conditional nature under which
Enewetak is being resettled, and the need to continue following the
health of the Rongelapese, will require radiological monitoring of these
people and their environment for the foreseeable future.

The aerial

survey will be a major part of a standardized data base which will provide
information needed for evaluating any future claims for damage or injury.
It will contribute to :ne future monitoring program planned for Bikini,
Enewetak, and Rongelap atolls.

In addition to Enewetak, Bikini, and Rongelap Atolls,

there are eleven other

atolls or single islands that received intermediate range fallout from one
or more of the megaten range tests.

A number of these atolls are presently

inhabited while others are used for food collection.

During nuclear test

there was a limited monitoring program that did not provide

anywhere near the coverage that can be obtained with the current aerial
survey technology and instrumentation.

In addition,

there is little or

no data on possible plutunium contamination outside of Bikini and Enewetak

The proposed aerial survey uses

the same equipment and procedures which

were successfully employed at Enewetak Atoll in 1972-1973. The people of

Select target paragraph3