The Committee reconvened at 8:30 A.M. at the "H" Street Office.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


There was a discussion of the site of the next meeting and it appears

that the Puerto Rico Nuclear Center should be the first choice, with

Idaho Falls as the alternative.

Neither of these sites has been visited

for some years.
Dr. Totter discussed in some detail some of the problems
that the Division has encountered at the Puerto Rico Nuclear Center.


The Committee then discussed its meeting of the day before with the


had been made.

It was agreed that three basic requests to the Committee

The first of these was concerned with the environmental

impact statement concerning the Indian Point Reactor.
The second was
whether IAEA is the proper agency to accept responsibility for world-wide
waste disposal of nuclear waste.
The third was concerned with the image
of the AEC.
This last point seemed to be the main preoccupation of the
It was not clear to the Advisory Committee how it could be
of particular help in this regard.
It was pointed out in this regard that
the Commission does not know what its image is and before worrying too much
about how to improve it perhaps it would be useful to have some professionally trained people determine the public image of the Commission. With
respect to improving the image if it is indeed bad, the Committee was of the
opinion that this was the wrong group to do very much about it.
Committee, after all, consists of biomedical scientists-.who are not trained
in opinion-shaping.
Dr. Totter reported the series of events leading to his submitting
his resignation as Director of the Division and its subsequent acceptance.
This news came as a complete surprise to at least some members of the
Committee, since even the Chairman, Dr. Moseley, had not been officially
informed of the resignation until the day before.
The Committee was

dismayed that it had not been informed of Dr. Totter's resignation and the
selection of a new Division Director,

It apparently had been Commission

policy to hold this information internally. Dr. Moseley reported that he
had been in telephone contact with Dr. Haagen-Smit who was unable to attend
the meeting and had reported this turn of events to Dr. Haagen-Smit.
latter's reaction perhaps best summarizes the position of the Committee in
this matter.
Dr. Haagen-Smit felt that the Commission had missed an oppor-

tunity to conduct a portion of its affairs openly and with the knowledge of
at least a small segment of the lay scientific public as represented by the

Advisory Committee.

This is particularly unfortunate in view of the

Commission's stated goal to conduct its affairs with greater public knowledge and greater openness.

The meeting adjourned at 11:45 A.M.

Respgctfully submitted,
Y Ar“







n B. Storer, M.D. 4

Scientific Secretary, Advisory Committec

for Biology and Medicine


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