-7Health and Welfare, which is the cognizant agency in Japan, is currently

preparing a proposal and there may be a meeting between the principals
within a year. The AEC hope is that the level of funding in U.S. dollars
would stabilize and that the Japanese side would pick up the increases
caused by inflationary pressures in Japan.
Dr. Kirby-Smith described the status of the program in stable
isotopes. A new plant is being constructed at the Los Alamos Scientific

Laboratory with the help of the Division of Military Application.


topes of sulfur will be produced at the Mound Laboratory and calcium is
currently being produced at Mound under support of the Division of

Nitrogen isotopes are currently being separated on a column in
Los Alamos.
Dr. Kirby-Smith also discussed the status of clinical tests

with C°~.

Two patients have received C°~-labeled glucose to measure

glucose tolerance.


The method utilized is to measure c13-jabeled C05 in

There are plans afoot to use cl3-jiabeled lactose to screen patients

for lactase deficiencies.
Currently, the University of California at Davis
and the Tennessee Valley Authority are using ni4 in environmental studies.
The Department of Agriculture has also expressed a strong interest in using


Dr. Robert Wood reported on the current status of the Bevalac at the
Berkeley Laboratory. Calculations indicate that once the machine is operative it should be possible to obtain modest fluences of stripped iron
nuclei. Money for the modification of the Bevatron and the Hilac to produce

the Bevalac is in the fiacal 1973 budget but it will take at least a year to
make the modification.
Dr. Wood also reported on the status of the Los

Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF).

Money is in the fiscal 1973 budget

to complete the biomedical facility at LAMPF.
The Cancer Institute has
approved an application from the University of New Mexico for preclinical
studies with negative pions and the National Science Foundation has approved

a proposal from Oak Ridge to provide dosimetry support.
beam should be available by the Summer of 1973,

A usable


Mr. J. Bewick reported on the status of the reactor accident study.

The study is being undertaken to consider various facets of reactor risks.

The hope is to produce a new document evaluating the consequences of reactor

accidents which would replace WASH-740 which was an earlier study of the

consequences of a maximum credible accident.
Mr. Bewick indicated that the
approach will be to use realistic rather than extreme estimates of both
risks and consequences of accidents.
Mr. Pennington from the newly created Division of Environmental Affairs
discussed in some detail the functions of this new division.
Briefly, the

Division is concerned with environmental impact statements as related to
various Commission activities.

At this point the Committee recessed for the day. The sessions on
September 9 will be held at the AEC "H" Street Office.


Select target paragraph3