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Subhuman primate studies. In cooperation with the NationalInsfi- -.- es i
tutes of Health, a number of research projects on the effects of irradjaE
tion on subhuman primates. have been initiated recently. The Universit¥Y
‘of Wisconsin is conducting one such study on the effects of total bod

irradiation upon learned and unlearned behavior in the monkey.


is also interested in studying the effect of local ionizing radiation
cortical and subcortical centers in the brains of monkeys which have
tamed and adapted to test situations. These studies are to be contin


on a relatively long-range basis, and it is expected that the informafi

will be of value in determining whether the mental processes are seri

affected by radiation.


Radiation Instruments Program
High intensity probe.

A demonstration was recently witnessed

‘the Naval Research Laboratory of a new high-intensity probe being de

by Victoreen Instrument Company for use in their roentgen rate meter.
probe is designed to extend the range of the rate meter to 1.8 megar
per hour, and has possible applications in the new field of food irr
and in instrumentation associated with kilocurie and megacurie gamma
Civil Defense Activities



Proposed industry analysis project. Meetings have beenheld
ly with Civil Defense Research Associates and Union Carbide and Carb
Inc., to discuss the feasibility of a project submitted by Civil Defdnse
Research Associates. The project was proposed in order to meet indu
needs for criteria on protective measures applicable to plant buildi
and plant complexes, and for new structures.
This proposal stems fr
requests which CDRA has received from representatives of several imp
industrial organizations to assist in obtaining information on resis
construction, dispersal, materials, camouflage, security measures,
other information which would, in case of emergency, tend to reduce
juries to personnel and improve probability of continued production.

such a plan, CDRA proposes to act as coordinator between AEC and in
so that the receipt of pertinent information may be expedited for t
in need for immediate use. The Federal Civil Defense Administratio
possibly state civil defense organizations will be invited to assis

in this work.

(End of UNCLASSIFIED section.)

Federal Civil Defense research objectives qn


projects of the Federal Civil Defense Administration connected with

effects of atomic detonations are necessary to provide adequate ass
ance in civil defense protective measures.
The Commission. has been
to give guidance in establishing these research objectives, and als
discuss the optimum utilization of funds appropriated for this rese
to FCDA. Under current FCDA policy, any expenditures for civil de
research by other agencies were to be reimbursed by FCDA through f
thus appropriated to them by Congress.
Accordingly, the problems were discussed at a meeting of AKC




Select target paragraph3