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AS an alternative program, at least 2 reef species are again
collected from 5 Atoll locations and 5-10 pelagic spscics are collected
sdnpl~s are also collected
this tiiw, howevsr, from only 2 AtO~~s. !’!ater
are conputed from
in conjunction with the fish.
the generated data and cortpareoto those a?ready available from Enewetak,
Bikini and Kwajalein. Only v:aterneed be collected et the remaining
Atolls. Nith the co?~putedco::centrationfactors, the average fish
concentrations at the remaining Atolls czn be-assessed. This procedure
yields about 180-?40 separate fish samples aridapproximately 100 water
samples requiring analysis for ~57Cs, 9oSr anclplutonium. The analytical
cost of this effort is nearer $150,000.
In addition to cost, the latter tiethodinvolves less analytical
sampling and shipping probiefisthan the all fish ceilecticn ~ethod.
Any existing graundwater wells and cisterns should be sampled for
the number of existing wells and cisterns would
radionuclides. Klio~~ing
help greatly in p-tanningfor this effort. Although it would be desirable
to establish new wells, I fdel thatthe available time and support recuired
for this effort would be insufficient to mount a more meaningful program.
Terrestrial Progr,~m
If a dose as~essment is expecte( at the conclusion of the 13 Atoll
Survey then soil and vegetation samplifigwill be required. The aer~al
data will only give results for ga]~maemitters; we know from our experience at Bikini atidEnewetak that ‘OSr, a beta emitter, is one of
the major contributors to the potenti~l dose $0 a population. I!et
chemistry ~nalysis of soil and vegetation will also be required to
evaluate the potential long term effects from Pu.
Soil sampling will in fact be required to determine the depth
distribution of gamma emitters in order to quantify md verify the
aerial data. In additiCn, 90% of the total predicted dcses to”populations at Bikini and :newetak Atolls are due to ‘37CS and ‘“Sr ingested
via the terrestrial focdchaifis.” In order to properly assess this
exposure pathway soil profiles, surface soils and vegetation samples
will have to be collected for a:~alysisof ~37Cs, “Sr and Pu to
determine the potential raaionuclide uptake in subsistence crops.
The degree to which soil and vegetation samples are collected
at the various Atolls depends upon the tim and su?port ‘wktich
will ha
available at each Atoll. !Jithspecific inforriationon these two items
a program could be cesigned which would be comparable with the time
and support avai”iable.
If on the averag~ 100 soil and ,soil profile sarples and 60
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Select target paragraph3