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Mr. Roger Ray



“:’April 24, 1978
. .

We also indicate, in the enclosed letter, that it will be possible to
conduct a [norelimited program, concentrating on 3 or 4 Atolls which
would reduce costs somewhat. We will require additional guidance from
Headquarters as to the desirability of this option and what Atolls
should demand cur focused attention.
A summary of the estimated costs for the program looks like the
Thousands of Dollars
Supplies and Equipment to get started
Marine Analytical Processing and Analysis
Terrestrial and Water Processing and
Analysis - Option 1
Terrestrial aridWater Processing and
Analysis - Option 2
Terrestrial and Water Processing and
Analysis - Option 3
Dislocation pay and Air Travel at a rate
of 100K/10 people for’3 months
Shipping Costs


Minimum cost of Program


Maximum cost of~Prdgram


The options and costs considered, we feel, are all reasonable estimates,
based on whatwe think we can accomplish operating from the Wheeling
with helicopter support within the time frame at each Atoll dictated by
the requirements of the aerial survey. In order to get gear orderedi
checked out and placed aboard the Wheeling be’Fore15 August, the ordering
must start now. All of our funds are committed for ongoing programs
the rest of this fiscal year, and it looks as thought 50K of new money
will get things moving. As soon as this money is available and we have a
guarantee that the entire program will be funded, please let us know so
., that we can start ordering. It will be the responsibility of individuals
at Headquart~rs ta recommend to us which option we should take to complete
the type of program at the Atolls desired”to provide sufficient data to
estimate ingested radiation doses to individuals inhabiting the Marshall
Yours truly,
Victor E. Noshki
‘1 L.

o I 011

Select target paragraph3