






Caen ed

(Monthly 3tatus Report, April 1951) - 7 ~. ee

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Plology & Medicine



Greenhouse Participation

The Radiation Instruments Branch participated in Greenhouse projects

Sel and 6.5.

‘The results obtained from the instruments tested under

these projects should be of considerable value in determining tae

course of instrument development both for application within the AEC and
for civil defense purposes.

AEC-Sponsored Research and Development

Requirements for large additional quantities of enriched boron-lined
neutron counters for the Santa Fe Cperations Office have stimulated
reconsideration of the need for an alternate producer of these components
for the ABC.

The existing contract for the supply of these tubes let with the

General Slectric Company is being administered by the NY¥CO. Thus far,
five companies, i.e., Raytheon Manufacturing Company, Federal TeleCommunications Laboratories, Rauland Manufacturing Company, Allan 3.
Dumont Laboratories and Radiation Co:nter Laboratories, have been or
will be extended an opportunity to participate in this work. The

Instruments Sranch of the NYOO Health and Safety Division will continue
to furnish technical supervision for this program.

Civil Defense Training
Two shipments, totaling 32 survey meters, were made during the

month for civil defense trainings purposes.

Twelve of the instruments

were loaned to the jtate of Alabama for a two-monty period with training

to be under the supervision of Dr. Bric Rodgers of the University of
Alabama. Twenty instruments were loaned to California for three weeks

with training to be directed by the University of California.

The May issue of RA-DET will feature a report by B. Cassen and

others at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory on scintillation counting

equipment for medical usage. This month's biographical sketch is of
P. R. Sell of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, The first progress report
of work performed by RCA under the Special Tube Development Contract.

will also appear in this issue.

It is planned to disseminate information

—________._____onRCA's work by sublishing all future progress reports in RA-DET.



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