(Monthly Status teport, April, 17951} - 4 -

Biology % Jedicine

Gt ‘

wonitoring of Air and waintail

in cooperation witu the Sivision »of

ilitary Application (which is

serving as the mai.. 4.0 liaison with tie ational Association of Photoeraghic ‘anufsecturers,, tie dhonsysics Sranch arranged for country-wide
moritoring of air and rainfall to measure tue amount of radioactivity
over tie United states as a result of the ureenhouse tests. The monitoring procedures were devised to be a3 simple as possible in order to
minimize the time and effort recuired for the gurvey. All abnormal
observations were to be relayed to tiie Branch immediately, and a summary
submitted at the e:d of the test series. Agreeing to cooperate were
Hanford Works, Seriele,; Zadiation Laboratory, Atomic Snergy Project at

UCLA, Idaho Test Gite, University of Ltah, Los Alamos Sclentific Labora-

tory, argonne Uational cacoratory, Uak tidze ‘ational Laboratory including:
a special installation at the Universit, of Florida, Brookhaven HUational
waboratory, aid the .ew fork .avoratory, Because of its location close
to the largest snoatozrannie industries, the ‘ew York ‘.aboratory has set

up an elaborate networs af cooperating isboratoriss including:



‘water Sureayn at ot, lLowls, Jucont Laboratories at Carlin, \. d., Jiolo zy
and jedicine Instruments lraich in vasuingto:, 3. ve, wastman Acdax and
atomic unerzy rro;sect at iociester, 4. Y., angco Laboratories at
Sisghanton, ©. Y., “estern seserve University at Cleveland, Uhio, and
of course its own staff,
fhe major part of tie observed radivactivity is
appe-ring over the northeastern nart of the United states, as it did
following the jevada tests.
Radiolopical Asnects of Undervround “eavon Tests
The dlopnaysics Jranch sas been concerned to a large extent in the
radiological aspects of tie underground weapon tests wnich are proposed
for ti.e continental site. It nas cooperated with representatives from
ACGWP in considerin, and extending ecleuiatlons on axpected probleus, and
with the Jivision of ‘Llitary application in aaking reconmendationsrelative
to such a test.. In view of the Commission's desire to assure itself of
the safety of the operation, a prelininarvy test waa agreed upon, and
possible sites and conditions nave been explored. On the assumption that
awestern site will be selected, tae Granch is studying the nature of
observations which will nave to be made in a prelininary shot in order
to assure radtolosicsl safety for succeeding test shots.





Select target paragraph3