(Monthly 3tatus Report, April, 1951) - 3 -

Biology & Medicine

Conference of Industrial Health Personnel

The first annual conference of Industrial Health Personnel of the

U.3.A.B.C. was held at Atlantic City on Friday, April 27, 1951.


Health and 3afety Division of the New York Uperations Office was the

host for the meeting.

68 persons from 25 installations were in

The second annual meeting will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio on the

Monday imnediately preceding the American Industrial Hygiene Association

Meeting] All AEC and AKC-dontractor health personnel are urged to write
Brs. Felton or Morgan indicating topics that they would like discussed


at next year's meeting. Drs. K. Z. Morgan and Jean Felton of ORNL have
agreed to be hosts at this meeting.

industrial Medicine Fellowships

Fellowghips have been informally offered to, and accepted by, eight

physicians. Pormal announcement will be withheld pending clearance and
determination of the schools at which these men will take their year of
academic training in industrial nedicine bezinning in the Fall of 1951.
Plans have been made for one physician to take his second or in-plant

year of training at ORNL, K-25, and ¥~-12 upon completion of his fellowship year at the University of Rochester,

Medical Fellowship TrainingCourses

. Arrangements have been nade to reactivate the medical fellowship
training courses at Duke Univarsity and Reed College. The Department of

Defense has been invited to send un to 10 students to the Duke University

_—- Tolerances

Members of the Branch met with representatives of the Reactor Development Division and Anolls Atomic Power Laboratory in connection with biological tolerances for neutrons and the effect such tolerances would have
on shielding needs for the Submarine Intermediate Reactor now being

developed at KAPL.

The group also considered the types and locations of

monitoring devices which will be required.





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