(Monthly status Report, April 1951) - 2 -

3ivlogy & i‘edicine

There were several sessions devoted to radiobislogy and tne use of
ratioisotoves, all of w ich were well attended. At tie zeneral session,
one of tue four invited lectures was siven by Or. o. 4. Tebias, of the
tanner uavorator:, University of California, on "Mecnanisms of the
Slolozical sffects of Penetrating Sadlations",
soray Fertilisers:
Recent work at ‘ichizan 3tate Collere using isotocicall; labelcd
fertilizers has shown that fertilizers nay be applied as a spray to dormant
treea. Phospnorugs 32 av lied a3 a spray to the tips of the branches of
dormant trees moved to tie roots within 26 nours. Tiis information shows
that even in dormant trees metabolic nrocesses are continuing and apnarently at a mucn more ranid rate than was previously realized. This observation
has led to tie application of spray fertilizers to dormant trees that nave
been injured by low temperatures. The response of such trees to spray

fertilizers this year nas been so promising that this gives promise of

being an important method in reducing winter injury to trees.
NRC Subcommittee on Shock = Blood cubstitutes


& contract providing for partial AbC support of the dational esearch
council oubcoma.ttee on uhocx nas been completed with the Watagional Academy
of .ciences. Tha Ul. 3. *udlic dealth service and the Office of Naval
tesearch are also supporting thia work on an equal basis. The principal
resconsibiiity of tue Jubcommittee on siioex is to develop and evaluate
various synthetic slood plasma substitutes which would be needed in Large

guantities to treat tie srock associated with burns, traumatic injury,
anid radiation injury in b.e event of a mass civii disaster.
provress nag already oeen sade to:ard acupting tne use of "reriston', a
German discovery, to american standards, Ciinical evaluation of the
metaboliss of Jarbon 14 lanelad "Yeriaton" is under way at tne "egical

Division of Srookhaven ‘ational Laboratory,

ticalth cazards in toe Uranium .ininzgIndustry
“embers of the Division consulted with members of the Division of
Industrial iyriene of tne U. 3. Cublic neaitnh service with reference to
tueir survey or the nealth nagards in the uranium cining industry now
under way in tie Colorado “lateau area.
Arranve:ents nave been made for members of the iiealth and


Division of tne w.ew York Gperations uffice to zive the J.c.P.ij.4. g30me
technical assistance in this survey.
wee co.








Select target paragraph3