
JOURNAL OF THE A0.a.c. (Vol. 42, No. 2, 1959)

changer and print-out which recorded the time
necessary to accumulate 600 counts from each
sample. The Geiger tube sensing element was
a Tracerlab TGC 14 carbon-counter with essentially 100% response to any beta particles
entering, but of low response to gamma photons. This tube was provided with a thin,
aluminized mylar window (09 mg/cm’) and
the internal atmosphere was maintained with
a mixture of 99% helium and 1% isobutane
(Geiger gas), flowing at the rate of one bubble
per second. Because of the small sensitive
volume and additional shielding within the lead

31%. In expressing all readings on ash samples
in terms of the potassium standard, counts per

pig, the background response of the tube aver-

aged 11 counts per minute (c/m).
All ash samples were measured in 1” stainless
steel planchettes at fixed geometry. One hundred mg of ash was used for each determination
and special care was taken in adjusting the
thickness and surface uniformity of the sample.
One standard and two empty (background)
planchettes spaced 180° apart were carried with
each revolution of the 25 position sample
changer. Depending on the amount of radioactivity present, the time for one revolution of
the turntable varied from 12 to 24 hours.
3. Standard—-The reference standard was
potassium chloride. According to Nier (1) potassium contains 0.011% of K*, the naturally
occurring radioactive isotope, and so far as can

be ascertained, this species is uniformly distributed in nature.

Suttle and Libby (2) have

determined the absolute numbers of beta and

gamma emissions to be, respectively, 29.6 dis-

integrations and 2.96 disintegrations per gram
of the metal. Because of the low counting efficiency of the Geiger tube for gamma photons,
this component was ignored, and the standard
was applied as a pure beta standard.
One hundred milligrams of dried and finely
powdered reagent grade KCI was used as the

working standard. This amount, deposited in
a 1” stainless steel planchette, reproduced the

geometry of all ash samples very closely. The
mass absorption error of 100 mg of salt was of
the order of 5%. The density of most ash samples closely approached that of KCl; hence,
mass absorption error of the ash was assumed

to be of the same order. For ash weights
greater or less than 100 mg, corresponding

weights of KCi standards were applied.

As derived from 29.6 disintegrations/second/g
of potassium, 100 mg of KCl produces 93.13 disintegrations/min. A number of determinations
of 100 mg samples of KCl has established that
the Geiger tube “sees,” on the average, 289
counts/min. This is an overall efficiency of

min. (¢/m) have been converted to disintegra-

tions per min. (d/m) by multiplying c/m by

an average factor of 3.22.

Potassium Analyses
All ash samples were analyzed for potassium
(flame photometer) with an accuracy of +5%.

Milligrams potassium per gram of original

sample were converted to disintegrations per

minute per gram by multiplying by 1.776. This
is the factor derived from the data published
by Suttle and Libby (2).
Net Radioactivity
This was derived by subtracting from the
total radioactivity the contribution due to the
presence of potassium. On the average the net
value approached zero except in those cases

where other radioactive substances or fission
products were present. Wherever the term
“total beta radioactivity” has been used sub-

sequently, a net or potassium corrected value
is meant.

1, Mass absorption—From experiments with
a variety of ash samples wherein radioactivity
as read was plotted against varying weights of
sample, it was determined that mass absorption

at 100 mg was of the order of 5%. However,
since a 100 mg KCI standard also exhibited
mass absorption of the same order, these errors
were considered to cancel out. Hence with
strictly fixed geometries, no corrections for
mass absorption were applied.
2, Counting—Theoretically, the probable
counting error for 600 counts, regardless of the
time necessary to accumulate this number, is
=~ 3.2%. However, an error of this low order
obtains only when the ratio of total count to
background is 10 to 1 or better. Such a favorable situation rarely occurred because most of

the samples were low in radioactive content.
Generally the ratios varied from 1:1 to 4:1.

Under these conditions the probable error was
much greater, and at times as great as
8. Net radioactivity-——Errors in measuring
net radioactivity are not directly determinable,

but it is clear that they will be significantly

influenced by the errors of the analvtical operations, viz., (@) flame photometric determina-

tion of potassium, and (6) total radioactivity.
In extreme instances the errors may be additive

and a range of error of = 25% is possible.

Select target paragraph3