
serious concern at the possibilities of indiscriminate dumping of
radioactivity into the sea,
international control,

They in general had urged some form of

Dr, Claus believed that the AEC should obtain

some data and clarify its ideas before arbitrary controls get such a
strong hold that sea disposal becomes politically impossible.
He concluded his remarks by speaking of the urgency of the problem
and of asking for the moral backing of the Committee in order that
approvel may be sought of the General Manager and the Commission.
Dr. Boss reviewed the marine biology program which consists of several
distinct categories or fields of research, namely the Hanford Progran,
Dr. Donaldson's Program at the University of Washington, the Off-Site
Programs and special projects in marine biology.
Dr. Boss enlarged upon his previous statement concerning WIGWAM (See

Minutes of meeting held September 9 and 10, 1955.)
In this connection he said that with future tests being planned for
the spring in all probability the Japanese would be vitally concerned,
Dee TeMrsul Sula Liat the problem was an international problem and

that it might be well to bring the Japanese intc the program at an
early date and get in touch with their fisheries people and plan a

cooperative program outside of the closed area.
After a full discussion the Committee recommended that full advantage
be taken of any future test in the Pacific Proving Ground, to increase


Select target paragraph3