
As tc the apparent inability cf FCDA preperly to cipest and utilize
the sevorel huncrcd classificd roperts which have been transmittes
to them by the £50, the Committce restated the pesiticn it has always
hele that the ANC is obliged te ic all in its power to help civil
dcfeonse matters, rccopnizing, of c.ursc, that this cffort mey require
going beycn’ a7Cts responsibility tc FCDA as cefincad by law but
clearly require... in thc interest cf the naticn in the present situation.
The Committec fccls that ANC weoule be severcly critize’ wore it net

te ecntinue to co se ant on an cxpan’ci scale,

The Committee recog-

nize’: that the Divisicn cf Biclesy an? Mclicine staff as presently
ecnstitutec, on’ in view cof its many other pricrity respensibilitics,
cannot sustain tne volume :f cffort which wo envisare is rceovirec
and recommencs to the Commissicn that the impertance ¢f this matter
be reeceniazcd by the Commissicn anc that such stcps be taken as may
be neccessary t. provite ad iticnal steff four this purprsc.


Th: mocting acjourncd cn Friday cvening, Decembcr 2, 1955
at 5315 P.M.

Select target paragraph3