~ 37

Therefcrc, after a full discussicn and in ccennecticn with the
breaccr program, the Committee reccmmcnded "the extcnsicn cf
—ADC activitics inte the ficla cf cevclcpment and training even
at the sceuntary school level."

Training of nosicents in
eee eK ke

cpe Tcchniqucs_


Dr, Dunham said he woulec like the Committec

tc Giscuss a specific request cf Dr, Libby,

he qucsticn is, is the present training available in radiocisctope
teennicucs to mecical resiccnts unter approvec AMA resicency prcgrams
adcquate cr ao they necd to be expanded?
The Committce fclt that unicr the present momentum the pregram will
work cut, that residents can reccive training if they sc cesire it.
Dr. Warren thought that probably the orcblem coule be lockco into
by a grcun like the Council on Mcdical Elucaticn cf the AMA who
are in this busincss all the time anc have inspuctcrs an pecple
all erounc the ccuntry.

There is ne qucstion that certain arcas

are ceverou, but there may be large hcles, also,
Dr, Dunham replied that he woule be happy to explore with the Ccuncil
ch Ecucation.

Dr, Cantril saic that The American College cf Radiclogy and the
North American Radiclegical Society are intcrcested in this matter.
4fiso, he menticne:’ that there is a symposium on thc training of
residents in isctopes techniques bcing held in Chicago on December 11.


Select target paragraph3