~ 36 =


be placcc in the Jcurnal cf the Naticnel Asscciaticn of Biclcgy

Tcachcrs anc the ATES bulletin anc fcur or five cther places, and
by sc Ccoing,
tho science teachers weull soon have en opportunity

to learn of the prcegram.
Dr. Dunham summed up the fecline of the Committce cn this matter
by saying

"I tceke it thet the general fe.ling cf the Committecc is

that this wovlc net preperly be a prcgram that woulc belogically
an extension of cur prescnt isctcpe subsidy program, anc if the
Commission goes cll cut, es they may, in aiding and abettine seccni~
ary schocl ccucaticn and college ccucation in these fiells, it
woulda be mere properly a part cf that.”
The Committee agree: with Dr. Dunhants summary <f the mettcr.
In connecticn with this aiscussicn, Dr. Bughor tcl? of a prepesal
that hac been rccecivet by the Reckcfellcr Fcundaticn from Dr. Hcllacn ‘er
of the CRNEL in ochalf cf the Statc University of Flerica fer the cstab
lishment cf a smidll lancvratory fcr training stucents cn racicbicligy
techniques, acthocs :f cxperimcntation ~- net research itsclf.
Dr. Bugher theught the propcsal in the first instance shoulc be
consiferece by the Divisicn ¢f Biclorgy anc Mccicine.
The Committce felt that this is a mattcr that cculd rightly comc

unter the staff peper that is being preparce as indcicatce by
Mr, Tanmarc in ccnncetion with giving small grants ts instituticns

in the United States fcr purchase cf equipment.

tereeee ee

Select target paragraph3