- 33-

Br, Warren ecntinucc by seying, "I think this is « very impertant
thing in relaticn to what has becn saic in the lcttcr from the

Atccrncy Gencral‘'s Office."

He stated further, that the tradition

from the start has been that the SCBY is an independent anc policy
reeommencing type <«f bedy.
Dr, Dunham stotea that "as the present Jirceter cf the Divisicn he
scecnica everything Dr, Warrcn has sais.

I weuld persenally fecl

extremely cmbarrassea if I were put in the chair fcr this rroup
Which is callec togcther by the Cummissicn to acvisc thc Ccmmission
as a whcle cn macturs concerning biolcgy anc mccicine.

IT co net

think it would be appropriate."

During the full discussicn Jr, Faille pcinted cut that "this thing
goes farther than this Committee, really, becavso in a way

it cocs

awey with these adviscry committces cr the valuc cf these avviscry
committecs in any ficic,

I think it is a very scricus mattcr that

should be breugnt tc the attenticn of these who are Giscussing this

ty, Tammaro brought cut that the AEC is trying tc cbtain a statutcry
status for the ACBM.

He said that he weulc de cverything in his

pewcr to assist in making the ACBM a statutory Ccmmittec ana if this
is accomplishca in all prebability the questicn cf the vicolaticn cf
antitrust laws would not be forthccmin:e,


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