exist channels for aiding research in scleetec underdevelcped
countrics as a part cf the Atoms for Pcace Program as a moans cf
cultivating throughout the worlc rcscarch potential in the biomedical
ficles cf atomic oncrgy.
It appcarcd to the Committec that a bezinairg cculd be made in those
countrics where the scicntific skills arc actually present and where
training opportunitics cfferca in the United States have been taken
acventace cf, but where for one reason or ancther adcquate cauipment

for even a modcratc-senle rescarch cifort with radicactive materials
is lacking.
Dr. Glass indicated that he thought the Division shoulc explore ways
of stimulating work in instituticns in the Unitcc States by snall
grants ct equipment.

In this connecticn, Mr. Brown statcc that the Office of the Gencra
Counsc] had said that we could meke grants, cven though the word,
"erant™ decs not appear in the Atomic Encrgy Act - and is not a
limiting featurc.
Dr, Doisy saic that he would like tc sec such acticn taken by the
Division of Biclcegy and Mcdicinc,
Mr. Tammarc rcported that therc was in process a staff paper thet
would accomplish this purposc.

The present paper conecrns itsclf


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Select target paragraph3