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opposed to conecntrating cur efforts more and more within the area
of direct and clese by related to direct intcrest, such, for instance
as physiclogy of bene,
Dr, Burnett suggested that it micht be of value tc the Commissicn
to employ sevcral consultants to assist in ovelueting proposals -

as to whether eftor three ycars or so anything has been accomplished,
anc if it has nct, then this is the time to cut thom off.
Dr. Doisy inquirce whether "it would be feasible to call on the
consultents or get people who arc suitably traincd for a particular
project to look over these projects that have becn running three
to seven or cight years ~ to sce if there is anything productive
coming out?"

Dr. Glass concurred with Dr, Doisy's views, hewever, he said that
he doubted whether the present list of consultants is adequate for
the purpcse,

Ec suggested that small pancls or committecs be sot

up Like the Navy and the National Seicnce Foundation uses to assist
in the evaluation of research proposals,
Dr, Warren peintcd out that in the carly days cf the Division and
the program, "wc shicd away frcm the pancl systom as we tried to
builc a program that was net neccessarily the best possible program
as far as basic sciencc as concerncd, but a scund program applicable

to the various sorts of problems thet faccd the AEC,"


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