~ 21 -


Referring to the reappraisal of AEC policy » Mr. Corsbic told of
the request of FCDA for the assistance of two persons to be sent
to Battle Creek, Michigan for an indefinite period.
in this connection Mr, Corsbie told of his visit together with

Dr. Dunham to Battle Creek to discuss FCDA problems and of the two
day mccting in Chicago,

At that timc it was agreed that Civil De-

fensc necdcd assistancc in two areas ~ onc, puidance concerning
problems associated with civil dcfense supported rcscarch, and two,
practical applications,
Another itcm of great significance to FCDA and the AEG relationships
is the revision of the "Effects of Atomic Weapons" handbook,


Civil Defense Liasion Branch is working closcly with Dr. Glasstone
in revision cf this bock,

Declassification of

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Mr, Corsbic led the discussion on the declassification of reports.

The Committee was gratified to learn of the beginning progress toward
declassification of declassifiable reports alrcady in the hands cf
the FCDA and of the plans for getting substance out of the undeclassifiable reports and making it available for all concerncd in unclassificd


Mr. Corsbie summarized briefly the activities

undcr Operation ARME,

He said that it was an area radiological


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Select target paragraph3