-~ 19 -

Status Revert on
Genetic Confcrence
ee ere en

20, 1955.

Dr, Emerson gave a status report on the Genetic
Conference held at Harwell on September 19 anc

He saic that it had been sct up by the British Atomic

Enorsy Authority anc it was made up largely of geneticists from the
United Kingcom, 5 fromthe United States, 1 from Sweden and 2 from

He reported on the ad hoe Committee which mct in Washington at the

AEG on Octobcr 27, 1955, to discuss the desirability of cxpanding
the gecnctZ@®work with mice and where was the best place to have this
work carricd ovt.

He said that the pancl did feel that this work

on mousc genetics should be expanded in order to get pertinent information in e shorter length of time and that the best place to
make this cxpanzion end have the work done was with Dr. Wm, Russcll
in Oak Ridgc.
The cost of expinding the genctics program was thoroughly discussed.
In this connecticn Dr. Dunham steted that he had presented this problem
to the Commission ard that they had indicated to the General Manager
that the problem should rcceive a high priority.

Therefore, in all

prooability funds will be made available in the near future to re-:
model the present facilities at Oak Ridee to take care of the expansion
in the mouse genctic program,
Dr. Failla in summarizing the discussion stated that he thought it
would be wisc not to cxtend te program too far until reports have
becn received from the National Academy of Sciences Committec.

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