Mr, John Hall, Director of the Division of

Division of Intcrnational Affairs
of that Division.
of its limitations,

International Affairs summarizcd the activitics

He spoke of the bilateral agreement with dpan am
The purpose of this arreemoent is to provide a

basis for Japan tc have a research rcactor.

The reactor agreement

wath Japan contains a specific provision whercin thcre will be an
exchange of information with Japan on an unclassificc basis.
Mr. Hell spoke

briefly of a mecting that would takc place in January,

1955 at the instance of the State Department which will concern itself with the new International Atomic Enerey Agency.

The purpose

of this Azcney is to promote the peaceful uscs of atomic energy
throughout the world,

<n ec

Commissioncr Murray entered the mceting during this discussion.

Dr. William Pollard, Director of ORINS told of his recent visit to
he opening of the USTA Atoms for Peace Exhibit in Japan.

He was

impressed with the enthusiesm and intorecst displayed by the Japancse
Sciontists and at their hopes of obtaining a research reactor,
ir, Hall stated that there are presently about 25 bilateral agreements

with various countrics.

He urged that in the calendar ycar 1956 that

morc represcntatives of the ARC should travcl to the United Kingdom as
well as te Belzium and Canada to bring persons closer together so
that through this mcchanism - gains would be madc from the bilateral


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