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Dr. J.W, Buchta, which reflected his personal vicws concerning
the Problem Investigation in Government Support of Research and
Graduate Work,

Dr, Buchta serves Exccutive Chairman of the Govcrn-

mcent-University Relations Comnittec which had been set up by the
National Science Foundation.

A copy of the paper was mailed to each member of thc Committec

in Decembor, 1955.
Status Report on

UT-AnC Aevriculiucal
Research Progra.

Dr, Pearson gave a status report on the

UI-AEC Agricultural Research Program,


said that the project was completcly staffed and that he was favorably impresscd with the add¢gtionel personnel,

He stated further that

there has been a move to substantially reduce operating costs of the

Dr. Pearson read the following resolution that the Committee had

recommended at the mecting held in Oak Ridge on May 5, 6 and 7, 1955
regarding the program and askcd the Committee to discuss the resolution:

"It is recommended tkt the AEC should continue their
support of the UT~AEC agricultural research progran,
and it was suggested that small committec be appointed
to considcr ways in which even greatcr advantage might
be taken of the unique facilities."
A full discussion ensued.

The Committee restated their previous views tht a small committce should
be appointed by the Director of the Division of Biology and Medicine

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