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Dr. Warren brought out that the public in general expects the AEC
to be exploring what heavy levels of radiation and specific isotopes
can accomplish in the cancer field.
Dr. Cantril interjected at this point to say that "if the layman
would ask wnat has this two and one-half million appropriation per
year accomplished this year and what has it done last year and will

it do next year to significantly cut the cancer mortality for 1955
and 1956, I think we would be hard put to say that there has been
any Signiticant decrease in cancer mortality as a result of funds

expended by the AEC to date."
Dr. Warren said that nearly any form of biological research can
ultimately help on the cancer problem.
Dr. Burnett reiterated his previous statement that "we might have been
better off if we had put more money into basic research and less at
the higher level,"
Dr. Warren pointed out that a great deal has been accomplished by
this dircctly applied work in the saving of funds to individual


He believed that it was "quite properly the function

of the ANC to see what the value of these new techniques are, so
that, the hospital at Tulane or St. Louis does not have to put in
a series of these units simply because it has become possible from

the physical standpoint."


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