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en ee 6

Meteorology Program

Dr, Worf oriented the Ccumittee on wry the

AES is supporting metcorological research.

nat tyne of research

in this area is be?ng supported and how extensive is the program.
He spoke of the assistance that is being received from the U. 5.
Weather Bureau,

Spocifically, as an exemple, a commetent California

mecveoroiopist had clezimed that a lowering of temperat ire followed

each detonation AEC miclear tests in Nevada, Spring 1955,
The Weather Bureau reviewed meteorolozical coniitions and fall-out
activity in this rerion and concluded that the tests had no observable
effect on temperature.
Dr. Worf reported on the high lights of what tie Division is doing
in cooperation with others to promote the prosrams of the International Geophysical Year.

He said that the ICY is an effort by

O countries to obtain synoptic data during 1957 and 1958 on various
geophysical sciences.

He stated that an ad hos panel had been set

up to study radioactivity in the air as suggested by the Netherlands
National Committee,

Dr. Dunham is acting as Chairman of the ad hoc

panel of the U.S, National Committee to consider the subject.


report on the IGY is to be made at a later date,
Cancer Program

wr. Haggerty reviewcd the history of ANC participation

in cancer research, extent of the program, type of cancer research
supported, recent accomplishments and thr future plans for the program,

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