Services in Majuro was unable to provide the requested personnel and
medical supplies. At the last minute, through the efforts of Larry
Edwards, acting Distad Representative Kwojalein, a nurse trainee, laboratory
technician and limited medical supplies were obtained from the Ebeye


At both Rongelap and Utirik health care was extended to all people of the
Clinics were conducted in the following areas:


general health care


immunization and well child care


prenatal care


veneral disease and cervical cancer detection

Tue to limitations of supply and personnel, the scope of the care provided
in these clinics had to be curtailed somewhat,

The statistics from Rongelap showed that a total of 101 patient visits
were mac>+,

This figure represented 58 patients for acute care and 26

inf ats for imeunizetion,

At Utirik the figures were 126 patient visits,

rep, esenting 94 acute care patients and 20 infants for immunizations.

vo problems were encountered with the facilities or actual clinic operation
Relations with the Marshellese pe-sle on both atolls were good with no
evidence of any concern as a result of the present Bikini situation.
Great appreciation was shown by the people for the care proviced.

Select target paragraph3