

As part of Brookhaven National Laboratory's medical surveillance of
Marshellese people exposed to radioactive fallout, quarterly medical

visits are concucted to the atolls of Rongelap and Utirik.

The primary

purpose of these visits is to assess for medical problems that might be the
result of the exposure.

As a secondary objective, general health care is

provided to the people of the atolls through a cooperative effort with the
government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

LOU voyage #5 was coaducted from November 14 to November 28, 1975 to meet
these obj :ctives.

As presented in the operation plan submitted prior to the

trip, general mecical assessment of the people was performed as well as
mecical and pediatric clinics for the general populations.

LOGISTIC SUPPORT Logistic support for the mission was prov‘ded by Global Associates and
the U.S. 4rmy at Kwajalein.

Coordination of the supply e.fort was

admirably handled by Ted Musawski who was responsible for a smoothly run
support operation,
prior to departu e,

All equipment was functioning and on board the vessel
The ERDA vessel, R.V. LIKTANUR, which had experienced

generator difficulties during the previous voyase, was overhauled and made
ready to go through the efforts of Jack Vierra and Fred Olson of the Global
Marine Depsrtment.

A problem was encountered with the désired logistics support from the
Trust Territory.

For several reasons, the District Mrector of Health

Select target paragraph3