" Trsuftiotent data were obtained to gtudy the effect of zero point
environment: adequately. It was found that the surface lendshots

produced predominantly golid fallout, while the surface water shots

produced predominantly liquid fallout,
one of the barge shots,

Iron wus found in fallout from

9 paesals” and 4.7 show that the gaseous precursor.speedosty

sr89 and Bat,

increased with time in comparison to 14097 and Co

This result can be attributed te the expected assoceaation of gaseous
precursor nuclides with late condensing material,
iron from

short barge, which hag no precursor, behaved like Mo’?
and cots,
An insufficient number of samples was obtained te find a correla-e

tion of radiochemical composition with distance,

Furthermore, for such

large shots the samples collected were probably not at sufficiently
different distances from ground zero to shew significant effects on
radiochemical composition,


TTAYTH marrarm 6%

Beyond the fact that there was radioactive liquid fallout from

Shots 1, 3, and h, this project obtained little information of value

about. liquid fallout because shot delays and slow recovery permitted
significant evaporation of the liquid phases,283 that lige da volumes
could not be determined with any accuracy.
7 end BaltO showed the
greatest tendency to be concentrated in the liquid fallout,
As pointed out in Section 3,1, the base surge sampling was


The Program Director 22/ has quoted Project 1.1¢ to the

effect that there was no base surge of significant extent,

5.5 GROSS.
The slopes of the gross decay curves measured from 110 to 200 days
after Bravo shot for each particle size fraction are plotted in Fig, 5.8

as a function of particle size.

Below SO p there is a slight decrease

in the gross decay rate with increasing particle size, Above 50 » the
general trend is not as clearly defined, However the entire curve, ree

sembles the activity behavior of the concentration of Sr89 and Ballo

with reepect toparticle size,

According to, Hunter and Ballou sr89, x92, 295, m9, and Rul03,
celht9 C
contribute approximately 90 per cent of the total
activity, gt the tine the gross decay measurements were made. The ine
cuced calt also contributes significant activity in the fallout samples

after 110 days.

Gellil, Rul03 and ¥71 were not analyzed but an estinate

of the ont utions of the first two can be made 383ycelbbvagate

nese ed C

concentrations by the. H erature Ru

values for thermal fission of 23

and Celil/

Singe 11 has a 9 second

rere gaseous precursor, Y91 may behave like sr89 which has a 2,6

minute rate gag precursor.

Consequently the

concentraticns can be

calculated from the Sr°7 concentration and the Y71/sr°) literature value.

If thease activity concentrations are corrected for the mounting absorptior of the counting rig in which the gross decay measurements were made,


Select target paragraph3