the calcium as the oxalate and then the titrimetric determination of

the oxalate with potassium permanganate,
The surfcce water shots vaporized the 250 ton steel barges

uponn which the devices were detonated, The concentration of iron was
measured iri the fallout from these shcts by a colorimetric determinaetion of the intense red complex formed by ferrous ion and o-phenan-

throline, 16/

3.4.6 Autoradiography
Portions of size-graded sample fractions were studied avtoradiographically. Each fraction was. monitored to estimate its radio‘activity, then deposited on Nuclear Track Bete stripping film and
exposed for a time estimated to give good contrast between radioactivity-affected film areas and background areas, The developed
autoradiograph was exanined by micronrojection to measure the particles
and determine it they vere radioactive. This yielded gross size

distribution, radioactive to total particle ratio, and where their

number was statistically sufficient, radioactive particles size dis~
The per cent active particle data were calculated on a volume



% Active = (2 ny ay? active x 100




mi di


The detailed technique is described in the report of Project


Select target paragraph3