Etig. Gen. Thomaz E. Lacy


a liet of important food items in the Marshallese ¢let. A report of
survey findinga is issued. Fericdically, a ceassezsmec® of radiological
couditions in the etoll is made ané a report published. ‘The survey

aad reporting efforts operate approximately on a one-year cycle, Tris
followup radiclogical ecrvey will be extended to icclud+e Ecewetek Atoll
end ite residente when cleanup and rehabilitation astivities in that
atoll are completed.

Frookksyen NatLonal Laboratery, University of Washington, aad tha
Levrence Livermore Laberatory are EEDA contractors for thie work,

budyet leval da ebout 2te 256 thoweand dollars per year.


Thare is

a high éegree of cooperaticn among stafi cf thesa comtractore aad

frequent publicatio: cf findinczge in EBRDA reporis and in the sctentific


The program provides a means Fer assesaing the quality cf

these environments ga related tc radiological health and safety of the

Eikinf and Enewatek pecole.


Li Joe Beal

Assistant Director

for Heatth Preteciiocg
Tivision of Safety, Stancerda,
ant Compliance .

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RK. hay, NV

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