




Disposal inside the reef would make scrap removal operations
less weather and wind dependent since trips into open water

and possibly into roucsh seas would not be needed.



Frank Cluff

The identification of metal scrap containing induced radioactivity and requiring disposal must be made under field cone
aitions using portable radiation detection instruments anG in
most cases in the presence of an elevated above ground gamma
radiation field.
The identification of hot spots in soil will
take place under similer circumstances.

With these factors in mind it is suggested that the following guide-~
dines be applied:


A careful search should be made for all contaminated scrap that

may be collectable by the returning natives.

Ecrap metal con-

taining induced radioactivity and showing contact readints
incasurable ebvove local background should be collected for
The need for removal of other materials such as soil
from any hot cpots contsinint plutonium or other radionuclides
will be a matver for case-by-case determinations in the field
with recommendations made by the AEC Radiological Safety Advisor.

Disposal of metal scrap containing radioactivity in water having
a depth of about 150 to 200 feet will make these materials une
available to the native population. These depths are approxie-

mately equivalent to the deeper parts of the lagoon.

A disposal site for each of the three near test areas, as described
on page 1, containing the contaminated scrap may be chosen inside
or outside the reef with a minimum distance of one mile to the
nearest islend or islet. <A record of positions should be made

and included in final reports. If any merkers are used they
should be removed at the end of cleanup operations.


Considering the possibility of future salvage of ships, metal
scrap containing induced radioactivity is not to be placed within

the prohibited area located in the east end of the lagoon (refer

to H. 0. 6032 published by U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office).

Except when collected by those authorized to do so, no samples of

metals containing induced radioactivity are to be retained or
transported from Bikini Atoll.

Select target paragraph3